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Monday, May 26, 2008

Thought process

Let's think:

colors of life are very beautiful and you can't manage to lose them just because of some stupid mistake or failure reasons.

Some time's it says it's better to let it go, or sometimes fight for it.
when you fight for the right reasons you deserve to win but wining is not always a option, sometimes just reaching to it is also important as it shows your effort.

And sometimes wrong reasons lead you no where, the more you try the more you lose.

As you try to control and regain the powers running your life more you become frustrated and more of a trouble maker for others as you keep losing the track of time and the main thing the control over your LIFE.

Everything has a reason why it happens, when it happens because as the laws of sciences say energy can't be created nor be destroyed but it can only change forms.

So what ever we do when ever we do where ever we do will come back in a form to us.
Practically one might not be convinced that this is not possible or it is illogical, but what i want to say here is that one day you might think about as if i wouldn't had done that thing on that day this might not have happened.

Love, hate, glory, defeat, all these rituals have one thing is common "mistake's of an incautious mind".

One's mistake leads to other's victory, and other victory leads to one's defeat.

I ain't any sadist but what i believe is what ever you do must have a reason and a thoughtful instinct , like, what am i doing, why am i doing, what can happen if i do this, who else can be affected from this.

These things always matter in life because unintentionally you might end up hurting someone who is either very close to you and the worst case you might end up alone.

I don't say that one should be reluctant to take a risk but one should always be cautious, and risks should always be measured and well thought.

Once you start taking control over your emotions you might understand that even if any thing happens "The Show must go on".

To take control over your life you have to believe in yourself, you have to listen to others what they say and think about you, why some people talk behind your back, why sometimes you don't get the support you might expect.

Once you start thinking positively about everything you start getting better solutions and innovative thoughts, which leads to your wellbeing and a relief to others related to you .

From such things you only become strong.Never lose hope in your self when defeats comes because every defeat makes you a stronger person if you are right and honest. No defeat can break you if you trust your self.

I believe in only one thing "
BELIEVE YOUR SELF" and you can do any thing in this world and for you nothing is impossible.

1 comment:

Cheri Newcomb said...

... sometimes you just have to go with it... expect anything.. and try to give others the benefit of the doubt...